Please read these terms carefully before using this website, contacting us, and/or making an appointment.
The website is owned by Nico Hiort af Ornäs.
By using this website and its content (such as programs, products, services, videos, webinars, blog posts, newsletters, and social media), you agree to this disclaimer. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not use the website.
1. Educational, Informational, and Sales Purposes Only
The website and its content are intended for educational and informational purposes. The website also includes an online store for selling products. The site is solely a tool for self-directed work.
2. No Medical Advice
I am not a medical doctor, nurse, physician’s assistant, or any other medical professional (such as psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, counselor, or social worker), registered dietitian, or clergy member, nor do I hold myself out to be. I do not provide healthcare, medical, or nutritional services, nor do I diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issues, illnesses, or conditions. The information provided on my site regarding energy healing, health, wellness, or other life aspects is not intended to replace medical or mental health professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You acknowledge and agree that I do not provide medical, mental health, or religious advice.
Always consult a healthcare or mental health professional before making any changes to your health, medications, herbs, or supplements, following recommendations or suggestions on my site. Do not disregard medical advice or delay medical treatment based on information from my site. Do not start or stop medications without guidance from a healthcare professional. If you have or suspect you have a medical or mental health problem, contact a medical or mental health professional immediately. The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated the information on this website.
3. Personal Responsibility
You understand that your participation on our website is voluntary, and you are solely and personally responsible for all your choices, actions, and results now and in the future. You accept full responsibility for the information you use or do not use from our website and agree to use your own judgment and due diligence before implementing any idea, suggestion, or recommendation from our website into your life, family, or business.
4. No Guarantees
You understand that your success depends primarily on your own effort, dedication, motivation, commitment, and follow-through. My role is to support you in achieving your goals, but I cannot predict or guarantee specific results. You accept and understand that everyone’s results are individual and may vary based on their unique background, dedication, desire, motivation, actions, and other factors. You are fully aware that no specific results can be guaranteed by using our website or services.
5. Results Disclaimer
The information and stories presented on the website are examples of what may be possible both currently and in the future. There is no assurance of achieving a specific result or goal based on the use of the website or services. You agree that I am not liable for your results or lack thereof, or for failing to achieve a set goal. You are solely responsible for your own results.
6. Testimonials and Feedback
Real-world experiences, testimonials, recommendations, and opinions presented on the website are actual client experiences and results, or they may be comments from individuals who have reviewed the quality of my work or services. These examples are intended to illustrate and provide insight into the types of results and experiences clients may have had. It is important to understand that these examples do not guarantee or represent the same or similar results for others. Each client and situation is unique, and results can vary significantly among different individuals and circumstances.
7. Risks
You understand and agree that all suggestions or recommendations offered on our website or through it are to be used at your own risk. You hold me harmless from any consequences that may arise from using the website or the information, suggestions, or recommendations obtained through it. You also acknowledge that there are risks that may not be foreseeable or known, which could affect or reduce achieved results or even lead to illness, injury, or death. You agree that your use of the website or its content is at your own risk, and you accept all associated risks.
8. Limitation of Liability
You understand and agree that by using this website, you release me from all liability and damages that may arise from your use of any information, products, or materials you request or receive from my website. You agree that I am not liable for any damages, including direct, indirect, special, incidental, punitive, or consequential losses or damages that may arise for you, your business, your community, or any other person using my website.
Additionally, you understand and agree that I am not responsible for accidents, delays, injuries, damages, losses, death, lost profits, personal or business interruptions, misapplication of information, physical or mental illness or condition, or any other incident or damage resulting from me or anyone acting as my agent, consultant, partner, joint venture partner, employee, shareholder, director, staff member, team member, or otherwise associated with my business or me, who provides content on this website or through it.
By using my website, you agree to take full responsibility for your choices, actions, and results, and understand that all information you use is at your own risk.
9. Indemnification Disclaimer
I fully disclaim any liability for claims, demands, damages, actions, or lawsuits of any kind, whether past, present, or future, arising in any way related to or arising from my website.
I do not provide any guarantee of website performance or operation. I also do not provide any guarantee of the accuracy or reliability of the information, content, materials, programs, products, or services that the site contains. I disclaim all warranties to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, including implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
10. No Warranties
I do not provide any guarantee of website performance or operation. I also do not provide any guarantee of the accuracy or reliability of the information, content, materials, programs, products, or services that the site contains. I disclaim all warranties to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, including implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
11. Errors and Omissions
Efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of the website’s information, but information may inadvertently contain inaccuracies. You agree that I am not responsible for factual views, opinions, or accuracy appearing on my website or through it. I am also not responsible if this information is presented by any other individual or company associated with me in any way. By using my website, you acknowledge and agree that I am not responsible for the accuracy, errors, or omissions of my website, as scientific, technological, and business practices are constantly evolving.
12. No Endorsement
References or links on my website to information, opinions, advice, programs, products, or services offered by another person, company, or entity require my formal approval. I am not responsible for the content, blogs, emails, videos, social media posts, programs, products, and/or services of other individuals, companies, or communities that reference my website. If my website link appears on any other individual’s, company’s, or community’s website, program, product, or service, it is not a formal endorsement for them, their company, or their website.
13. No Legal or Financial Advice
I am not and do not hold myself out to be a lawyer, accountant, or financial advisor. The purpose of my website is not to replace legal or financial advice that your own lawyer, accountant, and/or financial advisor can provide. Even if information is provided to you, I am not responsible for errors or omissions, and I assume no liability for any losses or damages that may be incurred by you. You are advised to consult your own accountant, lawyer, or financial advisor for all questions and concerns regarding your income and taxes related to your specific financial and/or legal situation. You agree that the information on the website is not legal or financial advice.
14. Partners
I may occasionally promote, link to, or collaborate with other individuals or companies whose programs, products, and services are consistent with my business. When this occurs, I want you to be aware of it. When I promote, market, share, sell, or exchange programs, products, or services with other partners, I may receive financial compensation or other rewards. You agree that such advertising or marketing does not require any approval. It is your discretion to determine if any such product, service, or program is suitable for you. Given all risks, you agree that responsibility for any programs, products, or services that I may advertise, market, share, or sell on my website or through it does not belong to me.
By using this website, you agree to all the above disclaimers.